Objective: This study aimed to evaluate parents' knowledge of secondhand smoke (SHS) and their effi-cacy beliefs in protecting their child from SHS and the relationship between knowledge of SHS and the efficacy beliefs in protecting their child from SHS.
Method: This cross-sectional research was undertaken using a random sample of 120 parents of asth-matic children. A questionnaire was used to gather this data, and it was divided into three parts: (1) soci-odemographic, (2) questions concerning SHS, and (3) the efficacy beliefs in protecting their child from SHS.
Result: Overall, 73.3% of parents reported having adequate knowledge about SHS, and 56.7% of par-ents have efficacy beliefs in protecting their child from SHS exposure. There was a significant relation-ship between the household income and the efficacy beliefs in protecting the children from being ex-posed to SHS. In addition, a statistically strong positive correlation was found between parents' knowledge of SHS and the efficacy beliefs in protecting their child from SHS exposure.
Conclusion: This study shows that knowledge acquisition is fundamental for changing parents’ behav-iour to protect their children from SHS. During engagement with parents of paediatric patients, healthcare practitioners should make sure the parents are informed of the dangers of SHS.
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