PM2.5 & UFP Exposure and Its Asscosiation with Respiratory Health Illness among Photocopy Workers in Selangor
Objective: To investigate the relationship between exposure to PM2.5 and ultrafine particle (UFP) with respiratory health illness among photocopy workers in Selangor.
Method: A cross-sectional comparative study was carried out among sixty workers where 30 photocopy workers were recruited as exposed group and 30 administrative staffs as comparative group. A set of questionnaire was used to obtain their background information, work history and respiratory symptoms. Spirometer Model Spirolab II was used to measure lung function performance among the workers. Personal Exposure Measurements for PM2.5 and UFP were sampled using Personal Aerosol Monitor of Model TSI AM510 (SidePakTM) and P-Trak Ultrafine Particle Counter Model 8525 respectively.
Results: Mean personal exposure to PM2.5 (62.30 μg/m3) was 5 times higher and UFP (14567.10 pt/cc) was 4 times higher in exposed group than comparative group (PM2.5= 13.10 μg/m3, UFP= 3662.60 pt/cc). Reported respiratory symptoms of cough (26.7%), phlegm (16.7%), chest tightness (3.3%), and wheezing (6.7%) were much higher in exposed group com- pared to comparative group. There was a significant association between personal exposure to PM2.5 with lung function of FVC % predicted (r= -0.404, p= 0.027) and UFP with lung function of FEV1 % predicted (r= 0.377, p=0.040). The continuous exposure to PM2.5 and UFP among photocopier workers were linked with lung function impairment as current study findings also showed that respiratory symptoms was higher among exposed group compared to the comparative group and there was a significant association between personal exposures to PM2.5 and UFP with lung function among exposed group.
Conclusion: The findings showed that exposures to personal exposure to PM2.5 and UFP might increase the risk of getting lung function abnormality and respiratory illness among photocopy workers in Selangor.
Keywords: photocopiers, PM2.5, UFP
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