The Benefits of Labisia Pumila for Women: A Literature Review
Objective: Traditionally, Labisia Pumila plant decoction was consumed for labor induction but, there is not enough scientific evidence about its safety. although many studies have explained the benefits of labisia pumila for the life cycle of women. For this reason, understanding the possible benefits of Labisia Pumila in the scientific life cycle of women's evidence is very important. In this review, the author will discuss various studies that can explain the benefits of labisia pumila in a woman's life cycle
Method: The author searches databases including PubMed, EMBASE, and CINAHL to find out potential studies that meet the requirements. The keywords used include: ‘Labisia pumila 'OR' labisia pumila and woman abis labisia pumila and its benefits’ OR ‘kacip fatimah’ OR ‘rumput fatimah’. This search was conducted from February to March 2019.
Result: 12 articles were included and reported the benefits of Labisia Pumila reported consisting of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, saponins, alkenyl, benzoquinone, natural estrogen or phytoestrogenic. In vitro study showed that ethanol extract from the root of L. pumila var increased the secretion of alkaline phosphatase.
Conclusion: Labisia Pumila has many phytochemical benefits such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and can replace ERT.
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